Our next stage of consultation is now open!

As part of this next phase of consultation, we will share more detailed design proposals for Plots NT02 - NT04, including the buildings, streets and public spaces that will bring this area to life.

Over the last three stages of consultation, Far East Consortium (FEC) and Manchester City Council have outlined plans to transform Red Bank as they evolve.

Most recently, FEC shared the vision and early design proposals for Plots NT02 – NT04 in New Town, which will be the first area of Red Bank to take shape.

This first stage of development will deliver 1,550 new homes across seven new buildings, providing a mix of one, two and three-bed apartments and townhouses. The proposals also include a variety of ground floor uses to provide community amenities and extensive public realm.

We’re keen to hear feedback on these draft proposals before they are finalised and planning applications are prepared. Two planning applications will be submitted later in the Spring: a detailed planning application for this first phase of detailed development and an outline planning application for the wider Red Bank neighbourhood.

Illustrative view of Dantzic Street transformed as a European inspired boulevard with attractive public realm.

The consultation will be open until Sunday 12 March. We will be holding two drop-in events during the consultation period, providing the opportunity to speak to the team and find out more about the proposals. The two sessions will be held at GRUB (50 Red Bank, M4 4HF) on:

  • Tuesday 28 February, from 3 – 7pm

  • Thursday 2 March, from 11am – 3pm


From the day of the first drop-in event (Tuesday 28 February), the Consultation page will be updated with all of the latest information on the proposals, as well as a questionnaire to submit your feedback.


FEC submits Red Bank planning applications for 4,800 new homes


Our third phase of consultation is getting underway