The Red Bank neighbourhood stretches from the edge of the Green Quarter along the River Irk Valley up to Collyhurst Road.

The Red Bank neighbourhood (exact planning boundaries to be confirmed)


Red Bank is one of the seven neighbourhoods identified within the approved Strategic Regeneration Framework for Victoria North (formerly known as the Northern Gateway). We are starting to design a holistic plan for Red Bank which will create a new, distinctive residential neighbourhood over the next 10 years.


Currently an underused part of the city, its riverside setting and unique industrial heritage make Red Bank the perfect location for a well-connected residential neighbourhood, forming an extension of the city centre with attractive new green spaces on its doorstep.


Victoria North Illustrative Masterplan from the approved SRF (Click the arrows to the right for next image)


  • Orange apartment icon

    Up to 5,500 new homes across a range of tenure types and sizes, including affordable homes, set within high quality public realm

  • Orange shop icon

    New community facilities

  • Orange park icon

    5 hectares of new or improved green space, including the revitalisation of St Catherine’s Wood

  • Orange bike icon

    New walking and cycling routes to improve connections between neighbouring communities

  • Orange river and trees icon

    Improvements to the River Irk to enhance the river environment, including measures to help prevent flooding

  • Lowering carbon cloud icon

    Low carbon neighbourhood that delivers development in a sustainable way


We’re not starting the regeneration of Red Bank from scratch. In the last few years, several independent businesses have made their home at Red Bank, drawing more visitors to this area. Our plans will seek to support these trailblazing businesses and encourage others to join them.




The Red Bank area suffers from a legacy of former industrialised uses, has poor access routes and very limited water and electricity supply, so a series of infrastructure projects need to be delivered before the new homes can be built.

The Victoria North Joint Venture has secured £51.6 million from the Government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) to help unlock the potential at Red Bank.

The funding will be used to address these up-front infrastructure requirements to support the delivery of the new homes and green spaces at Red Bank:

  • Delivering improvements to the River Irk to enhance the river environment, with naturalisation measures to help reduce the risk of flooding.

  • Securing and clearing undeveloped brownfield land, including the removal of invasive plant species and contaminated ground.

  • Connecting the development sites to electricity, water and drainage.

  • Delivering road upgrades and connecting development sites to the existing highways network.

River Irk - Manchester

Most excitingly, the funding will also be used to fund improvements to the River Irk, around which the City River Park at the heart of the new Red Bank neighbourhood will take shape.


Crucially, the HIF investment needs to be completed by 2024.