Planning application submitted for Red Bank enabling works

Manchester City Council has submitted plans for the first phase of work backed by the Housing Infrastructure Fund at Red Bank.

This initial phase of works has been made possible through a £51.6m funding award from the government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF), which will address a series of infrastructure constraints and allow the delivery of new homes and green spaces, including the first phase of a new City River Park within the Red Bank neighbourhood – part of the wider Victoria North programme of development.

The planning application seeks approval for enabling works including invasive tree and vegetation removal, creation of a temporary haul road and demolition of the Creamline Dairies buildings, in association with the future delivery of the new Red Bank neighbourhood. The application includes a commitment to increase biodiversity by at least 10% as a result of the overall development.

The site is currently inaccessible due to a mass of low quality self-seeded, invasive species of trees and vegetation. Preparing the site for development will kick-start a wider programme of investment, which will introduce more appropriate and valuable trees and plants as part of the long-term commitment to developing an attractive, green neighbourhood.


Our second phase of consultation is now open


First phase of consultation closes